24/7 Real time access to Property data

Web portal account access: All property owners (and tenants) have secured login access to accounting reports, income and expenses along with a copy of any bills paid, balances, leases etc. Tenants are able to submit work order requests online so the owner knows what is going on at their property.

What is the rent policy and the collection process?

Rents are due and payable on the 1st of each month. If a tenant has not paid by the 5th, a late fee is charged. If payment is not received by the 10th, an additional late fee is charged and we begin our ‘10 Day Pay Rent or Quit’. In the event rent is still not paid, or payment arrangements have not been made, legal action will begin.


Property Liability Insurance:  We advise all of our property owners to consult directly with their insurance agent to be certain that they are carrying adequate insurance for their property needs. We require current proof of insurance to be on record in our office for all properties we manage.

Naming Additional Insured: We also require Everlane Property Management to be named as additionally insured. Naming Everlane Property Management as ‘Additionally Insured’ keeps our insurance companies on the same page so that we are working together on all matters pertaining to your property. It also allows us the ability to work directly with your insurance company if any claim issue arises.

Renters Insurance:  We require that all tenants acquire Renters Insurance to cover their personal belongings unless specified otherwise in a current executed lease agreement.


Tenants are responsible for all utility charges, unless otherwise agreed upon in advance and in writing. Tenants must also change all billing information to their name within 3-days of the lease signing. If owner is currently on auto bill pay, it will be necessary to cancel that service before tenants can transfer. 

Repairs and Maintenance:

Repairs and maintenance are a couple of the most difficult aspects of investment property ownership and property management. A poorly maintained property generates less income and has a greater chance for vacancy. Everlane Property Management enlists the help of only licensed/registered, bonded and insured contractors for plumbing and electrical repairs. EPM employs maintenance staff to perform routine maintenance and repairs. Fees for this service are explained in our Property Management Agreement.

Should I allow pets? Smokers? Children? College students?

Pets, smokers or college students are not protected classes. As such, owners can allow or disallow at their discretion. This usually allows for a higher rent to be charged. Keep in mind that when deciding to allow or disallow, studies show that 75% of households do include pets. In our experience, pets do not usually cause as much damage as their owners. We charge an additional security deposit for pets. All of our rentals are non-smoking. this includes smoking of any substance (i.e.-cigars, cigarettes, marijuana, hookahs, vapes) and consider smoking residue to be damage to the property. Children are part of a protected class under “familial status”. Therefore, we will never discriminate against having children in our rentals (unless it is a 55 and over community).